Gardening for Bluebirds and Other Wildlife
Monday, October 21st, 2024
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (Eastern Time)
Marywood Chapel, 111 Lakeside Dr NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503 Map
- Public Welcome
- Free Event
- Chapter Meeting
- Program/Speaker Presentation
- Free Public Parking
Presented by John Harville, Berrien County Coordinator for The Michigan Bluebird Society. He will share his expertise and strategies to attract bluebirds and other wildlife to your yard.
John Harville is the Berrien County Coordinator for The Michigan Bluebird Society and was an active Master Gardener up until the Covid pandemic. He was a member of the Kent County Lawn & Garden Hotline for 15 years. Not only a bluebird expert, he has a deep interest in insect decline and the impact on bird population. He will share his knowledge on bluebirds and how best to enhance habitat for insect and bird benefit.