A Message from your WORC Board

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A Very Happy New Wild One’s Year to Members and Friends, 

Here’s what your Board has been up to recently:

Last fall, we invited a planning consultant, Todd Johnson, to help us better understand the needs and desires of our members and prioritize our work. Over two detailed planning sessions, we identified several activities we want to hold on to and new ones we what to launch.

On November 19, we shared our work with the 30 members who attended our Annual Meeting and Sweet and Savory Potluck at Marywood’s Dominican Center. (Thank you to Sr. Lucille for hosting us.)

Members told us that they are primarily interested in attending programs, meeting and making friends, and learning to how grow native plants on their own property.

Based on this information, the Board identified activities we want to continue and some we hope to add. We also identified one or two areas of concern. These are summarized below.

Please send your comments or questions to me or any Board member. You are also encouraged to speak to any of us directly at our chapter meetings.

We thank those who participated in our Annual Meeting, but welcome everyone’s comments at any time.

See you in February!

Marty Arnold, President
[email protected]


2018–19 Strategic Planning: Strategies, Conclusions and Next Steps

What WORC does well and will continue to do:

Maintain our community garden (NPEG) to demonstration the uses of native plants
NEED: More volunteers at garden prep sessions.

Host an annual NPEG Garden Tour and Plant Sale on July 15.
NEED: Volunteers for this event.

Inform members and friends of relevant events and opportunities.
NEED: Take event photos, write recap of meetings, design our communications.

Be hospitable and encourage member interaction.
NEED: Bring refreshments to a meeting this year.

Invite fellow members into your garden.
NEED: Hosts for Walkabouts this year.

Plan chapter programs for 2020.
NEED: Share your ideas for speakers, topics or destinations.

New things WORC would like to do:

Create a “Native Plants 101” introductory course for new members.
NEED: Help the Education Committee plan this.

Mentor new members.
NEED: Share what you know with a new WORC member.

Bring a nationally recognized speaker or program to Grand Rapids in 2020.
NEED: Volunteer to brainstorm possibilities.

Things that concern us:

Two issues may impact the future of our NPEG garden. First is lack of member participation in maintaining the garden and, second is pressure from ICCF to scale it back. In response, we have reduced the size of our portion by 50% this year. The Board will reevaluate our involvement at year end.

NEED: Be an active participant in maintaining this garden.

While WORC is currently in good financial shape, we may need to develop new fundraising strategies if the NPEG July event is discontinued in 2020.


Contact any WORC Board member to share your thoughts, ideas or concerns.
Marty Arnold, President  [email protected]
Marti MacArthur, Vice President  [email protected]
Ann Nowak, Treasurer  [email protected]
Joyce Tuharsky, Secretary  [email protected]
Marty MacCleery, Education Chair  [email protected]         
Betsy Ford, Membership Chair  [email protected]
Amy Heilman, Garden Site Chair  [email protected]
Gabrielle Tremblay Sullivan, Programs Chair  [email protected]
Ruth Oldenburg, Communication Chair  [email protected]BOARD MEMBERS-AT-LARGE
Linda Gary [email protected]
Lea Sevigny [email protected]