Chapter Events


Restoring Biodiversity to Home Landscapes

This event has ended
Monday, September 17th, 2018
to (Eastern Time)

Description: Anyone who has visited Ody Brook Nature Sanctuary knows it is a haven for flora and fauna alike. Come learn from our own Ranger Steve how you can manage your backyard ecosystem to turn it into a sanctuary.

Presenter: Ranger Steve Mueller

Biography: Ranger Steve is ecosystem ecologist at Ody Brook Nature Sanctuary that is managed to enhance biodiversity. His research focus is with butterflies and moths. He is retired director of the Wittenbach/Wege Agri-science and Environmental Education Center, and Howard Christensen Nature Center. Ranger Steve?s Nature Niche column appears weekly in newspapers and in various local, state, and national conservation organization publications. His columns are archived and found online by Googling Cedar Springs Post, click outdoors, and click nature niche.
Above banner photo by Charlie Lemmink

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