Chapter Events


Sixth Annual Garden Tour, Native Plant Sale and Fundraiser

This event has ended
Monday, July 15th, 2019
to (Eastern Time)

Spread the word about our July 15 event. Download our event flyer
Wild Ones Garden Tour & Native Plant Sale 2019 pdf

More information about the event:

Native Plant and Shrub Sale
featuring 13 species of perennials and 5 species of shrubs
Perennials $6 quart pots
Shrubs $8, $12, $15 depending on pot size (quart,  gallon, 1.5 gallons)
Cash, Check, or Credit Card
Native Garden Experts on hand to answer questions
Native Plant Education table with handouts
Book Sale - The Midwestern Native Garden: Native Alternatives to Nonnative Flowers and Plants by Charlotte Adelman and Bernard L. Schwartz, $20 (list price $26.95)
Silent Auction - Two original oil paintings by Barbara Leighty and the Friendly Bees beeBOX™
Fundraiser for Wild Ones across the street at Brewery Vivant. The Brewery will donate $1 for every beer sold on 7/15/19.

The Native Plant Education Garden is located in front of the Inner City Christian Federation Building

Native Plant Species list*
2019 WO Plant Species List pdf

Actea rubra / Red Baneberry
Aralia racemosa / Spikenard
Asarum canadense / Wild Ginger
Asclepias incarnata / Swamp Milkweed
Asclepias tuberosa / Butterfly Weed
Baptisia bracteata / Cream Wild Indigo
Clematis occidentalis var. occidentalis / Purple Clematis
Eryngium yuccifolium / Rattlesnake Master Just added!
Eurybia macrophylla / Big Leaf Aster
Liatris cylindracea / Dwarf Blazing Star
Penstemon digitalis / Foxglove Beardtongue Just added!
Polygonatum biflorum / Smooth Solomon’s seal
Ruellia humilis / Wild Petunia Just added!
Sisyrinchium albidum / blue-eyed grass
Solidago rigida / Stiff Goldenrod
Zizia aurea / Golden Alexanders

Diervilla lonicera / Bush Honeysuckle
Hypericum prolificum / Shrubby St. John’s Wort
Lindera benzoin / Spicebush
Sambucus canadensis / Black Elderberry
Viburnum dentatum / Arrowwood Viburnum

*Species subject to availability at time of sale


Fundraiser for River City Wild Ones (WORC)
at Brewery Vivant, 925 Cherry St  SE, Grand Rapids
Once again, Brewery Vivant has kindly offered to donate $1 for every beer sold during pub hours 3-11 pm on July 15 to our chapter.

Round up your friends and head over to Brewery Vivant at 925 Cherry Street SE, for a brew before or after you visit the Garden Tour and Native Plant Sale.

CHEERS for Brewery Vivant!

Silent Auction to be held at July 15 Garden Tour & Native Plant Sale

Three items have been donated for the auction:

Framed, original oil painting by local artist, Barbara Leighty (21” x 25”) Valued at  $500.
Unframed, original oil painting by local artist, Barbara Leighty (7” x 5”) Valued at $125.
the Friendly Bees beeBOX™, an ecologically beneficial home for native pollinators valued at $93.

Bidding starts at 5 pm and ends at 7:15 pm.
Need not be present to win. 

The WORC Chapter thanks Barbara Leighty and  WORC member Gabrielle Tremblay Sullivan of the Friendly Bees for their generous donations.


Book for Sale at our July 15th Garden Tour & Plant Sale
The Midwestern Native Garden: Native Alternatives to Nonnative Flowers and Plants 

By Charlotte Adelman and Bernard L. Schwartz, Ohio University Press
$20 (list price $26.95)

Winner of the 2012 Helen Hull Award, presented by the National Garden Clubs.

Midwestern gardeners and landscapers are becoming increasingly attracted to noninvasive regional native wildflowers and plants over popular nonnative species. The Midwestern Native Garden offers viable alternatives to both amateurs and professionals, whether they are considering adding a few native plants or intending to go native all the way. Native plants improve air and water quality, reduce the use of pesticides, and provide vital food and reproductive sites to birds and butterflies that nonnative plants cannot offer, helping bring back a healthy ecosystem.

The authors provide a comprehensive selection of native alternatives that look similar or even identical to a range of nonnative ornamentals. These are native plants that are suitable for all garden styles, bloom during the same season, and have the same cultivation requirements as their nonnative counterparts. Plant entries are accompanied by nature notes setting out the specific birds and butterflies the native plants attract.

The Midwestern Native Garden will be a welcome guide to gardeners whose styles range from formal to naturalistic but who want to create an authentic sense of place, with regional natives. The beauty, hardiness, and easy maintenance of native Midwestern plants will soon make them the new favorites.

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