Chapter Events


Restoring Soil Communities

This event has ended
Monday, April 15th, 2019
to (Eastern Time)

This month’s presentation from fellow Kalamazoo Wild Ones member, Mike Klug, is all about soils and stewardship. We’ll hear about their current condition, causes of degradation, and impacts of current soil management on the soil microbial and animal communities.  He will also discuss potential solutions that include reduction of soil erosion, increasing soil organic matter, and alternatives to our food production system.

BIO: Mike is Professor Emeritus of MSU.  He spent 35 years at MSU’s Kellogg Biological Station as a Microbial Ecologist. During his tenure, he conducted research on soils, lake and marine sediments and the gastrointestinal tract of insects. He and his wife Carol reside on 80 acres in Southern Barry Co. They have propagated and planted thousands of Native Plants on their property.  They are also avid Organic Gardeners and grow diverse crops of fruits and vegetables.

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