NPEG Volunteer Sessions


920 Cherry St SE, Grand Rapids

2025 marks the 13th year Wild Ones River City volunteers have been caring for our Native Plant Education Garden (NPEG)

Garden Location:  920 Cherry Street SE, Grand Rapids in front of the Monarch Investment Building

FREE parking behind Greenwell Gastro Pub.

Items to bring if possible:
Garden Gloves • Hand pruners • Shovel or Rake • Trowel • Kneeling Pad
Drinking Water • Containers to bring home free plants!

Please direct any questions you may have to: [email protected].

Do you enjoy creating or maintaining inspirational outdoor spaces? Would you like to improve our urban and suburban environments? Come join us for any or all of these important hands-on garden work sessions. Learn about some of the important tasks in maintaining an urban prairie or install new native plants in our Native Plant Education Garden (NPEG) 920 Cherry St SE, Grand Rapids. These garden work sessions are a perfect place to learn about planting, identifying and caring for native plants. Whether you are an experienced gardener or just beginning your education, this is the place to learn, laugh and get to know other Wild Ones members. We need your help in keeping this important native plant demonstration site active and inviting!

Our chapter holds volunteer work days once per month, typically, April–October. They are scheduled and guided by the Garden Chairs Karyn Detmer-Babitt and Amy Heilman. Generally, these garden learning shifts last about two hours. Duties may include pruning, weeding, seed collection, planting, or labeling plants. There are usually many volunteer plants that need to be removed and volunteers are encouraged to take them home.

Above photo by member Michelle Cadarette

Read the history of our Native Plant Education Garden.

October 2024 at the NPEG

September 2024 at the NPEG

August 2024 at the NPEG

July 2024 at the NPEG