NPEG Volunteer Sessions


920 Cherry St SE, Grand Rapids

A mighty group of enthusiastic volunteers came together in June to put the finishing touches on our education garden in preparation for the June 17 Public Open House and Garden Tour. Their hard work and dedication paid off as many people came to the event and were delighted with the diverse blooms, fragrance and pollinator action all around them. The Wild Ones Education committee and other members had a variety of books and resource material ready for those seeking information about Wild Ones and gardening with native species. This 13-year-old garden continues to grow and change over time and has become a lovely addition to the East Hills community and a source for learning. Plants species are labeled and pathways allow access into the beds for closer observation. Our long-time partner, Brewery Vivant, generously offered a portion of their proceeds to Wild Ones River City Chapter. The brewery also showcases native species in their numerous street side planters. Wild Ones River City thanks all the volunteers who helped make the event a success and those who attended to look, laugh and learn!

If you are interested in learning more about this special place, please join us for this month’s garden work session Monday, July 15 • 10 am–Noon

No registration necessary to volunteer at the NPEG—come when you can!

Do you enjoy creating or maintaining inspirational outdoor spaces? Would you like to improve our urban and suburban environments? Come join us for any or all of these important hands-on garden work sessions. Learn about some of the important tasks in maintaining an urban prairie or install new native plants in our Native Plant Education Garden (NPEG) 920 Cherry St SE, Grand Rapids. These garden work sessions are a perfect place to learn about planting, identifying and caring for native plants. Whether you are an experienced gardener or just beginning your education, this is the place to learn, laugh and get to know other Wild Ones members. We need your help in keeping this important native plant demonstration site active and inviting!

Many tools are provided, but if you have them, please bring: Garden Gloves • Hand pruners • Shovel or rake Trowel • Kneeling Pad • Drinking Water • Containers to bring home free plants!

There is a restroom on site, benches in the shade for resting and free parking adjacent to the large building, behind The Green Well Gastro Pub.

Our chapter holds volunteer work days one or two times per month, April–November. They are scheduled and guided by the Garden Chairs Karyn Detmer-Babitt and Amy Heilman. Generally, these garden learning shifts last about two hours. Duties may include pruning, weeding, seed collection, planting, or labeling plants.

Questions? Email: [email protected]

Read the history of our Native Plant Education Garden.