Quick Action Saves the Day for RCWO
After chilly drizzle ruined our plans for a wildflower hike and plant exchange at Aman Park on May 21, RCWO members stepped up to offer alternatives.
Our friends at Calvin?s Bunker Interpretive Center offered their parking lot for an impromptu plant exchange on Wednesday, May 23. Hundreds of native plants went to new homes and RCWO donated a wagonload of wildflowers for Bunkers restoration projects.

A few days later, Betty Kronemeyer offered a June 2 Walkabout on her friends Ann Tuck and John TenHave?s family compound at Clear Bottom Lake near Rockford. Seventeen RCWO members and friends hiked 1.2 miles around the pristine, undeveloped lake. The 200-acre property has been in the TenHave family for many decades. Highlights included the rare, pink lady slipper, star flower (Trientalis borealis), maple-leaf viburnum in bloom, the song of the Yellow Throat (?wichity-witchity-witchity!?) and a field of wild lupine in full, blue splendor.
None of this could have happened without quick work of our Communications Chair, Ruth Oldenburg to get the word out.
I?m proud to be part of an organization with members who see a need and offer to fill it.
I hope to see you on Monday, June 18 when a new adventure awaits us along Plaster Creek.