RCWO Members invited to Odybrook Nature Santuary

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Three Opportunities for RWCO Members to Tour 
Ody Brook Nature Sanctuary

13010 Northland Dr., Cedar Springs, MI 49319

Meet in the parking lot at V&V Nursery across the road

Ranger Steve has invited the River City Wild Ones to visit the sanctuary on the following dates: 

Monday, May 1 ? 6:30 pm with Rockford Garden Club
Saturday, May 6 ? 8 am ? noon with Grand Rapids Camera Club
Saturday, May 6, 2017 ? 2 ? 4 pm with the White Pine Chapter of the Michigan Botanic Club

Spring ephemerals peak in early May at Ody Brook Nature Sanctuary. Large patches of Large-flowered Trilliums and Nodding Trillium will be blooming. Jack-in-Pulpit, Sharp-lobed hepatica, May-apple, Wild Ginger, Narrow-leaved Spring Beauties, Trout Lilies, and a variety of violets should be abundant. Tree leaves should be emerging. Interpretive signage lines the 1.5 miles of trails. If not too wet from heavy spring rains, we will traverse Little Cedar Creek flood plain and cross bridges to visit the ponds north of the creek.

Bring magnifying loops for close examination of plant details and cameras. We will examine interesting features of flower/plant adaptive structures and observe insect pollinators at work.

From Grand Rapids: Drive north on US 131 to exit 101 (M-57). Exit and turn east (right), travel about one mile to the traffic signal and turn north (left) onto Northland Drive. Travel North 1.75 miles and park at V&V Nursery west of the road just north of the bridge over Little Cedar Creek.

Odd Brook is located east of the road in the woods. For limited handicap parking meet us at VV Nursery for a short walk introduction while group gathers and Ranger Steve will direct those needing handicap parking directions to limited parking in the sanctuary. ?Walkers? might be usable on mowed trails or enjoy the sanctuary from the porch and home.

One can also drive north on the East Beltline from Grand Rapids to Ody Brook. The road name changes to Northland Drive but it is the same road as the East Beltline.

From the West or North: Drive east on M-46 to US-131 or south on 131 to exit Cedar Springs Exit 104 at 17 Mile Rd. Go one mile east into Cedar Springs on 17 Mile to the traffic light, turn south on Northland Drive (right), continue 1.25 miles to V&V Nursery on right and park.

Ranger Steve Mueller




Ranger Steve (Mueller)
Ody Brook Nature Sanctuary
13010 Northland Dr. 
Cedar Springs, MI 49319-8433

[email protected]