Volunteers Needed at Calvin College Eco Preserve

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Hello Volunteers,

Spring is coming and with its arrival comes many opportunities here at the Ecosystem Preserve for you to get your hands dirty! Plant production for the native plant sale is in full swing and our stewardship interns, Michael Messina and Caitlin Strikwerda and I would welcome your help in preparing for the sale. ?To find out more about these volunteer opportunities (date, location, directions etc.)? see below. While you can just show up to a work day, it is helpful for our planning if you would let us know ahead of time if you are coming. ?Occasionally, we have to reschedule an event due to weather, space availability etc. and if we have your contact info we can contact you directly to let you know. ?You may receive an email from me or directly from Michael ([email protected]) since he is coordinating the majority of the transplanting work days while I am teaching.? If for some reason we have to cancel a date always check the front of the greenhouse door. We will leave you all a note telling you it is cancelled or where to find us. It is recommended that you wear clothes you do not mind getting dirty and bring your own pair of garden gloves and a water bottle.


We also need help cleaning out our native gardens and sprucing up the BIC.? If you rather help with these projects email me directly for dates and times.? It?s very dependent on staff schedules, school program schedules and weather all working in the right combination together.


I personally am? looking forward to getting outside and working in the native gardens. Hope you will join me this spring.




PS: The address to the Lake Drive Greenhouse is 3770 Lake Drive SE,? GR 49546.


Date Time Location What We Need Help With Other Notes Leader & Contact Info
Tuesday, March 22 9 to 11 am Greenhouse on Lake Drive Transplanting and Tagging Pots Bring Gloves and Water Bottle Michael? (cell #708-845-9404)
Tuesday, March 29 9 to 11 am Greenhouse on Lake Drive Transplanting and Tagging Pots Bring Gloves and Water Bottle Michael? (cell #708-845-9404)
Tuesday, April 5 9 to 11 am Greenhouse on Lake Drive Transplanting and Tagging Pots Bring Gloves and Water Bottle Michael? (cell #708-845-9404)
Tuesday, April 12 9 to 11 am Greenhouse on Lake Drive Transplanting and Tagging Pots Bring Gloves and Water Bottle Michael? (cell #708-845-9404)
Tuesday, April 19 9 to 11 am Greenhouse on Lake Drive Transplanting and Tagging Pots Bring Gloves and Water Bottle Michael? (cell #708-845-9404)
Tuesday, April 26 9 to 11 am Greenhouse on Lake Drive Transplanting and Tagging Pots Bring Gloves and Water Bottle Michael? (cell #708-845-9404)
Monday, May 2 2:30 to 5 pm Greenhouse on Lake Drive & BIC Moving Plants from the greenhouse to sale area Bring Gloves and Water Bottle Jeanette (cell #517-242-1513) or

Michael? (cell #708-845-9404

Tuesday, May 3 9 to 11 am Greenhouse on Lake Drive? & BIC Moving Plants from the greenhouse to sale area Bring Gloves and Water Bottle Michael? (cell #708-845-9404)
Friday, May 6 2:30 to 5:30 pm BIC Setting up for the Sale Bring Gloves and Water Bottle Jeanette (cell #517-242-1513)
Saturday, May 7 9 am to 1:00 pm BIC Helping with Sale Need to RSVP  

Jeanette M. Henderson

Program Manager

Calvin College Ecosystem Preserve

Bunker Interpretive Center

1750 East Beltline Ave SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49546

[email protected]

