Category: Blog

Natives to Know: Wintergreen

NATIVES TO KNOW Wintergreen, Gaultheria procumbens By Joyce Tuharsky, WORC Member Although the term “wintergreen” applies to any plant that remains green throughout the year, the “Wintergreen plant” is a title that refers to the genus Gaultheria and is notable as the original source of the wintergreen oil used in flavoring candies, chewing gum, and […] Continue reading "Natives to Know: Wintergreen"

Natives to Know: American Searocket

American Searocket, Cakile endentula Compiled by Joyce Tuharsky, WORC Member After several years of high water levels on the Great Lakes, water levels have fallen recently, exposing wide sandy beaches in many areas. These barren beaches are prime places for pioneer plant species to take root—one of which is the American searocket. A member of […] Continue reading "Natives to Know: American Searocket"

Natives to Know: Indian Grass

NATIVES TO KNOWIndian Grass, Sorghastrum nutans By Joyce Tuharsky, WORC Member Indian Grass, Sorghastrum nutans is a showy native perennial that grows 3–7 feet tall and is noted for its upright form and broad blue-green foliage. Its alternate blades grow to 2′ long and 1⁄2″ across, are flat and hairless, yet rough in texture, and […] Continue reading "Natives to Know: Indian Grass"

Natives to Know: Bear Corn

Bear Corn, Conopholis americana By Joyce Tuharsky, WORC Member In Michigan, if you are hiking through in a deep shady oak or beech forest, you may stumble across a strange growth poking its creepy “fingers” out from around tree roots. Upon closer look, you will find thick fleshy spikes with no leaves, but with brown scales, […] Continue reading "Natives to Know: Bear Corn"