Videos and Film Library

For education-related questions email [email protected]

Wild Ones River City YouTube Channel


Native Garden Design: Minimizing the Error in ‘Trial and Error’ (02/21/2025)
Presented by Mike Weis, Dropseed! Native Gardens and Ecological Restoration

An Introduction to Moth Appreciation (05/20/2024)
Presented by Brian Scholtens, Ph.D., College of Charleston, South Carolina

Rain Gardens: Cleaning up the River, One Garden at a Time (04/15/2024)
Presented by Rachel Leonard, Rain Gardener and Outreach Assistant, Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioners Office

Invasive Species Spotlight: Jumping Worms (03/11/2024)
Presented by Shelby Lane-Clark, Applied Biologist

Aldo Leopold and Finding a Land Ethic for Our Time (03/20/2023)
Presented by Martha (Marty) MacCleery, WORC Education Chair

Grand Rapids Native Garden Design
Designers and Speakers: Amy Heilman, The Living Garden and Rebecca Marquardt, Revery
Hosted by Danielle Bell, Fall 2022

Manoomin: The Story of Wild Rice in Michigan (02/20/2023) Presented by Barbara Barton, author

Wild One’s River City Chapter 15th Anniversary Celebration 

Featuring Dr. Douglas Tallamy presenting:
Nature’s Best Hope – 06/20/2022 (1 hr, 28 minutes)

WORC Educational Committee recommended link: Living with Biodiversity by Dr. Douglas Tallamy

Managing Habitat for Monarch Butterflies (03/21/2022)
Presented by Dr. Nathan Haan, ecologist and researcher, MSU
Dr. Haan’s Monarch Resources pdf

WORC Education Committee recommended resources:

Unraveling the Great Butterfly Migration Mystery 10:15 minutes; PBS Be Smart series. How does an insect weighing less than an ounce perform these amazing navigational skills and migrations?

Monarch Joint Venture has a variety of free webinars in 2022 on monarch biology, monitoring, and conservation, as well as citizen-science training for educators and life-long learners like us! 

Ken-O-Sha: Working for Reconciliation in a West Michigan Watershed  (02/21/2022)
Presented by Dr. Dave Warners, Professor, Calvin University Department of Biology, and Director, Plaster Creek Stewards
Ken-O-Sha Webinar Resources pdf

WORC Educational Committee recommended links:
Welcome to Plaster Creek

Plaster Creek Watershed

Go Beyond Beauty: For wildlife, clean waters, & beautiful gardens  (06/17/2021)
Presented by Shelly Stusick, Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network

Go Beyond Beauty Resources document pdf

Education Committee recommended Program Enhancement video: Cultivating awareness: Ornamental plants invading natural areas

Cultivating our Schoolyards as Habitat to Grow Scholars Who Will Become Stewards (05/17/2021)
Presented by Sally Triant, Grow Wise Learning
Anchor Document_ Cultivating Our Schoolyards as Habitats pdf

Native Garden Design (04/19/2021)
Presented by Amy Heilman, Owner, The Living Garden and Rebecca Marquardt, Owner, Revery
Native Garden Design – April 2021 Program References pdf

For the Birds: Fostering Backyard Habitats to Attract Birds (03/15/2021)
Presented by Curtis Dykstra, Naturalist, Ottawa County Parks, Michigan
Curtis Dykstra’s Resource PDF

Botanical Quest: Documenting Michigan’s Rare Native Flora Through Photography (02/15/2021)
Presented by Craig Elston, Naturalist and Photographer

Feb 2021 Program Botanical Quest References

Birds, Insects, Native Plants and Much More! (04/27/2020)
Presented by Martha MacCleery, Wild Ones River City Education Chair
Helpful online links to support the Birds, Insects, and Native Plants Webinar.

Green Infrastructure 101  (06/15/2021)
Presented by Kelly Goward, Environmental Program Manager, Macatawa Area Coordinating Council

Green Infrastructure 101 powerpoint slides pdf

Rain Garden at Parkside Elementary School in Rockford, MI  (06/15/2021)
Presented by Jamie Vaughan, Trout Unlimited

Ever Wondered Where the Rain Goes?

Educational Films for Members

Our chapter has a library of informative films on DVD that are available for members to borrow.

To borrow a film email: [email protected]

Urban & Suburban MeadowsBringing Meadowscaping to Big and Small Spaces (DVD) – This film offers interviews by several experts in meadow and prairie establishment. Learn about design, site prep., planting and maintenance of these lawn alternatives.

Jens Jensen – The Living Green (DVD) – The history of how this famous Landscape Architect and pioneering conservationist used nature as his model and came to be known as the “Dean of the American Style” of garden design.

America’s Lost Landscape -Tall Grass Prairies (DVD) – This visually beautiful film explores the history of how our country’s Tallgrass Prairie disappeared in the early part of this century and outlines the efforts being taken to help restore this special ecosystem.

Toward Harmony with Nature (DVD) – Dr. Doug Tallamy, a popular national speaker on the importance of native plants and their connection to the food chain and author of Bringing Nature Home, lectures on “The Value of Having Native Plants in Our Yards” and “Creating Healthy, Biodiverse Neighborhood Corridors.”

Gardening For LifeSharing Our Yards With Creatures Great & Small (DVD) – Dr. Doug Tallamy lecture filmed at Kalamazoo Nature Center during a gardening for nature workshop held in 2008. A panel discussion follows the presentation.

Wild About Wildflowers (DVD) – This video was produced by National Wild Ones Center and provides information and advice on how to get started and maintain a native wildflower garden.