Author: Ruth Oldenburg

Ranger Steve’s Nature Niche: Summer Butterfly Counts 2021

Summer Butterfly Counts 2021by Ranger Steve Mueller Four West Michigan Butterfly Association (WMBA) count summaries are posted below in Table 1 for 2021. It shows species and individual numbers vary among count circles. Variance is due to count dates, weather, and varying habitats. We visit a good representation of habitats in each count circle. Download […] Continue reading "Ranger Steve’s Nature Niche: Summer Butterfly Counts 2021"

October 2021 Program Recap

OCTOBER 2021 PROGRAM RECAPBy Linda Shuster, WORC Member Soil: Hidden Secrets Beneath Your FeetPresented at the Bunker Interpretive Center at Calvin University byGerald Miller, Ph.D., Certified Professional Soil Scientist Dr. Miller began by discussing the characteristics of healthy soil. These include biological diversity, good food production capability, water benefits, and carbon storage capacity. He noted […] Continue reading "October 2021 Program Recap"


KEITH EDWARDS—STEWARD TO BEES at Comstock Park Urban Prairie Recap of September 18 Walkabout by Marti MacArthur, WORC President It was a clear, blue sky day and the perfect day to enjoy a visit to a remarkable yard. Keith Edwards has researched the type of plants that were growing in the area that is now his one […] Continue reading "KEITH EDWARDS—STEWARD TO BEES "


STEWARDSHIP, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND VOLUNTEERISM September Program Recap by WORC members Eric Piehl and Marty MacCleery Wild Ones River City Chapter members and friends met at Roselle Park’s Community Room, a gem in the crown of Ada Township Park properties, for the September 18 program. The meeting had two parts:  inside and outside. The inside part was […] Continue reading "STEWARDSHIP, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND VOLUNTEERISM"