Author: Ruth Oldenburg

“Sustaining Soil Communities” Recap

“Sustaining Soil Communities” a presentation by Mike Klug Wild Ones River City Chapter – Monday, April 15, 2019 Written by Nancy Bedell Mike was employed by Michigan State University at the W. K. Kellogg Biological Station between Kalamazoo and Battle Creek for his entire career. As a result, he has studied soil because he worked right […] Continue reading "“Sustaining Soil Communities” Recap"

March 2019 Program Recap

March Meeting Recap Compiled by Ruth Oldenburg   From the Field: Reflections on the Importance of Public Land Presented by Jesse Lincoln, Michigan Natural Resources Inventory (MNFI) Wild Ones and guests were treated to a presentation by Jesse Lincoln, an ecologist from MNFI on March 18. Jesse reflected on his 3 year old son, “How […] Continue reading "March 2019 Program Recap"

February 2019 Program Recap

FEBRUARY 18, 2019 PROGRAM RECAP —by Ruth Oldenburg Trends in Native Plant Production: Reflections on the past, present and future use of native plants in the landscape  Presented by Bill Schneider, owner, Wildtype Native Plant Nursery The Wild Ones River City Chapter members and guests were treated to a very interesting presentation by Bill Schneider […] Continue reading "February 2019 Program Recap"

A Message from your WORC Board

A Very Happy New Wild One’s Year to Members and Friends,  Here’s what your Board has been up to recently: Last fall, we invited a planning consultant, Todd Johnson, to help us better understand the needs and desires of our members and prioritize our work. Over two detailed planning sessions, we identified several activities we […] Continue reading "A Message from your WORC Board"